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trevisur s.a

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2019



About Us

It began its activity as exporters in 1997. The engine of this company is our spirit and our training, to know how to reach our producers and customers. This is our Lic. Maria de Lourdes Raimondo. President. Mr. Adela J. Raimondo. Vice president. These people belong to three generations who united experience and professionalism, to make all the necessary efforts and changes in order to better reach their "customers". Francisco, Adela and Lourdes of a long family history, which comes from their grandfather Francisco Raimondo, who in 1885 marketed fruits. These three generations strive to maintain family prestige through a commercial history of singular success. Our location in the Argentine market is important, we are ranked among the 1,000 companies that export the most in Argentina. Our position in 1998 was number 711, in 1999 the 682 with more than 350,000 packages exported, which is equivalent to $3.60 million. To this space in time, to this effort, to this new goal, with this achievement, gave rise to a small family that works in a big way. A traceability service from flowering to destination port so that our customers feel confident about our products. The company has in the ports of Buenos Aires a distribution center specialized in the care of air cargo or refrigerated containers, to provide better customer service and a quick response to the needs of the markets. The company has a group of engineers that constantly advises our producers developing new varieties and integrated fruit production (PFI), certifying all the steps from production to our packing.

Main Markets

  • Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • South America
  • Southwest Asia
  • Western Europe

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trevisur s.a

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Business type
  • Importer / Trading Company

  • fruits - nuts

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario andres ********
  • icone de telefone +54 11********
  • map-marker Buenos Aires / capital federal | Argentina

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