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Vanguarda Do Brasil S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

VANGUARD OF BRAZIL has its headquarters located in New Mutum, 270km from the capital of the state of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá. It is managing units of agricultural production of soybean, corn, cotton, rice, those sections of bovine and porcine livestock and agricultural industries: plant oil and meal, cotton-processing plants and plant diet.

Working under the tripod of environmental responsibility, social responsibility and good agricultural practices, Vanguard aggregates value to its production and seeking the satisfaction of their employees. Thus, resources are available for qualification, promotion, recovery and opportunities to all who work in the company, establishing a commitment to the future. Respecting nature, linking it to technology and, especially, the capacity of human beings, is the main way in which the company offers good working conditions and professional growth to his group of collaborators.

The company stands out in the exports of high quality products, which include using the latest technology, such as soybeans and cotton. Investment in plant health control, technologies in agriculture and logistics are some of the factors demonstrating the expansion of the company, emphasizing the focus on the quality of their production.

Mission : Enjoy the land to produce food and bioenergy in socio-environmental responsibility, optimizing the use of natural resources with sustainability, targeting the full satisfaction of all shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and society where we operate.

Sight: Be the best company of agribusiness in Brazil.

  • Transparency - Accountability of the decisions and events of the company to report positive aspects and / or negative to all stakeholders.
  • Ethics - the result of collective agreement that defines individual behaviors aligned to a common goal.
  • Respect - Consideration to the next.
  • Social and Environmental Responsibility - Conduct of life of the company in a sustainable way, respecting the rights of all stakeholders, especially the future generations and commitment to support all forms of life.
  • Safety - Environment organizational insurance that allows the continuity of the life of the company.

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    Vanguarda Do Brasil S.a.

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    Business type

    • agricultural production of soybean
    • corn
    • cotton
    • rice
    • those sections of bovine and porcine livestock and agricultural industries: plant oil and meal
    • cotton-processing plants and plant diet.
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    Contact and location
    • icone de usuario Export ********
    • icone de telefone +55 65********
    • map-marker Nova Mutum / MA | Brazil

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