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Vitória de Minas Alimentos Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2020



About Us

Getting to know a little about the history of Cheese Bread Cheese bread is a typical Brazilian recipe from the state of Minas Gerais. Its origin is uncertain, it is speculated that the recipe has existed since the eighteenth century, but it became effectively popular in Brazil from the 1950s. Some Latin American countries have breads with recipes similar to that of cheese bread from Minas Gerais. In Colombia the product is called the Bono pan. Paraguay and Argentina also have a very similar recipe bread, chipa that has a "U" shape. In Ecuador, there is the "pan de yuca", which has the same shape as our Brazilian cheese bread, there is tradition to eat the yuca pan accompanied by yogurt. Our origin Vitória de Minas has the heart and a family of miners who moved to Chapecó, in the west of Santa Catarina. And like every good miner, welcoming by nature, we welcomed the new friends in the new house and served a delicious cheese bread with past coffee, which was promptly approved by all who tried. This motivated us to start a craft production of cheese bread and behold, in 2018, the Vitoria de Minas brand was born. The Vitória de Minas Cheese Bread brings in its essence the taste and the tradition of Minas Gerais, which makes it unmatched, as well as all the products produced by the Vitória de Minas Brand. Vitória de Minas Cheese Bread Our Cheese Bread has an exclusive recipe, developed by our family. And it is made from raw materials of very high quality and nutritional value, selected individually, which guarantees the original quality and flavor of the Vitória de Minas brand. Mission Participate in people's daily lives, providing them with foods of the highest quality and unparalleled flavor. Vision To be recognized as a company of excellence, for the quality and taste of its products, both in the national and international markets. With the commitment of continuous improvement in their production processes, ensuring quality in their products and profitability of their business. Values Integrity Customer satisfaction - Reason for our existence People Development - Pillars of the organization Product quality and continuous improvement of your processes Sustainable development

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Vitória de Minas Alimentos Ltda

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Cheese Bread
  • Frozen Cheese Bread

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Roberval ********
  • icone de telefone +55 49********
  • map-marker Chapecó / SC | Brazil

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